Technical Problem Disrupts Fuel Distribution System in Iran

TEHRAN – A technical malfunction disrupted the fuel distribution system at Iran’s gas stations on Monday morning.

The Oil Ministry announced that the disruption to the fuel network is unrelated to any change in the price of gasoline.

The spokesman for the Gas Stations Guild dismissed any link between the disruption and a price rise or a shortage of gasoline and diesel.

Reza Navaz said the technical malfunction has occurred in the gas stations across the country, noting that the problem will be settled within the next few hours.

He also asked motorists not to go to the gas stations until further notice.

A similar countrywide technical failure occurred in 2021 that shut down a government system managing fuel subsidies in Iran.

The Civil Defense Organization of Iran said the Americans and Zionists were behind the cyberattack that disrupted the fuel distribution system at Iran’s gas stations on October 26, 2021.

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