Iran warns over dangers of Israeli nukes to region

The nuclear weapons of the Israeli regime are a danger to peace and security of the region and the world, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the UN office in Geneva has warned.

The ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations office in Geneva Ali Bahraini warned that the nuclear weapons of the Zionist regime are a danger to world peace and security.

During the second meeting of the preliminary committee of the review conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Bahreini criticized the lack of progress in the goals of this treaty, stressing that due to the weapons policy and programs and the continued presence of nuclear weapons arsenals of some nuclear countries, especially the United States, “we not only have not come close to the main goals of the treaty, but the prospect of achieving these goals seems even further away than in 1970”.

He also considered the main problem of the lack of progress in the goals of the treaty, especially nuclear disarmament, to be unilateralism.

“As long as these nuclear policies and programs of nuclear weapons countries continue and more countries, especially under the NATO nuclear umbrella, rely more and more on nuclear weapons, there will be no progress in nuclear disarmament in the world,” Bahraini emphasized.

The Iranian diplomat stressed that it is expected that “we will see the proliferation of nuclear weapons in all its dimensions”.

Iran is permanently committed to advancing the goals of the treaty and the peaceful nature of its nuclear program, he went on to say, describing the existence of the Zionist regime’s nuclear weapons program as the most important factor preventing the formation of a nuclear-weapon-free Middle East.

The nuclear weapons of the Israeli regime are a danger to peace and security of the region and the world, he underlined.

He considered this issue to be due to the application of double standards by some nuclear countries, especially the United States and its Western allies, in supporting the Israeli regime’s nuclear weapons program.

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