Tehran slams Israel’s anti-Iran accusations in 2024 Olympics

Referring to the anti-Iran accusations made by Zionists during the 2024 Olympics, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman said that such a move is aimed at diverting the world’s public opinion from the genocide in Gaza. The accusations and hateful remarks made by the minister of the child-killing Israeli regime against the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding […]

Iran warns over dangers of Israeli nukes to region

The nuclear weapons of the Israeli regime are a danger to peace and security of the region and the world, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the UN office in Geneva has warned. The ambassador and permanent representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations office in Geneva Ali Bahraini warned that […]

Iran’s ‘Hod Hod’, ‘Kosar’ satellites to be launched into LEO

The Iranian “Hod Hod” and “Kosar” satellites are schaduelled to be launched into Low Earth orbit from a Russian station. According to the reports, these satellites will be launched in October. Earlier on July 9, Head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Hassan Salariyeh announced that the country will launch two new satellites which have been […]

IRGC reportedly seizes a Togo-flagged oil tanker in Bushehr

The British Maritime Security Firm announced that Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) seized a Togo-flagged oil tanker under the management of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 61 miles off Bushehr. As cited by the British maritime security company “Ambrey “, Al Arabiya claimed on Monday that the IRGC seized a Togolese-flagged oil tanker 61 miles […]

Tehran voices readiness to continue talks with Washington

Reza Najafi Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs says Iran is ready to continue indirect negotiations with US to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. “Regarding the issue of nuclear negotiations, what is certain is that Iran adhered to the agreement from the beginning and implemented all its obligations, and 15 reports of […]

Joint Caspian Sea search and rescue exercise kicks off

The Joint Caspian Sea Search and Rescue Exercise, “CASAREX24,” kicked off on Monday morning. This significant maritime event, organized by the Northern Fleet of Iran Navy, will see the participation of all five littoral states of the Caspian Sea. The exercise aims to enhance regional cooperation and improve the readiness of participating nations in conducting […]

Iran strongly condemns Israeli strikes on Yemen’s Hodeidah

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has strongly condemned Israel’s airstrikes on Yemen, saying that the Yemeni people are paying the price of their support for the innocent Palestinians in Gaza, including women and children. Kanaani said on Saturday that the Israeli attacks, which hit Yemen’s western port city of Hodeidah, show the “aggressive nature […]

Iran urges UNSC to compel Israel to unconditionally end Gaza genocide

ran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani has called on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to take a decisive action based on its duties and compel the Israeli regime to “immediately and unconditionally” end its genocide against Gaza. Bagheri Kani made the comments on Wednesday as he addressed a UNSC meeting on the situation […]

Iran, Russia FMs discuss bilateral ties, intl. developments

In a meeting in New York on Tuesday, the top diplomats of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as the latest international developments. Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani met and held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the sidelines […]